Zoom’s AI Revolution: A Game Changer for Virtual Meetings?

Zoom, a name synonymous with virtual meetings in today’s digital age, has rolled out innovative features, reflecting its foray into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). Formerly termed Zoom IQ, it now carries the moniker: The Zoom AI Companion.

A Glimpse into the Future of Virtual Meetings

  1. Ask and You Shall Receive: Taking a leaf out of the book of chat models like Chat GPT, Zoom’s AI companion now possesses the capability to answer user queries. But here’s the twist – it draws from your past Zoom interactions to craft its responses. So, whether you’re inquiring about a project’s status or tracing back a past conversation, the AI companion will sift through transcribed meetings, chats, documents, and even third-party apps to provide the information.
  2. Stay Updated, Even When You’re Late: Ever walked into a meeting late and felt completely lost? Zoom’s AI companion addresses this by providing real-time summaries of discussions to late joiners. This feature is showcased in Zoom’s promotional video, wherein a user queries, “what has been discussed so far?” and is promptly updated.
  3. Seamless Integration with Ongoing Meetings: Besides answering questions, the AI can also draft responses, file support tickets, and even summarize key takeaways from the meeting. Action items and next steps are auto-identified, streamlining the post-meeting process.
  4. Chapter-Wise Navigation: Another nifty feature highlighted in the promotional video is the ‘Chapters’ tool. Users can now jump between specific segments of the meeting, much like navigating chapters in a video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm5DC-vxaYk&t=0s

The Competitive Landscape

As impressive as these features sound, Zoom is not the only player on the field rolling out such enhancements. Google’s recent Cloud Next event showcased similar capabilities for Google Duet. Microsoft too is not far behind with its own suite of innovations.

The landscape of virtual meeting tools is rapidly evolving, with major tech giants racing to outdo one another. The question now is, with such similar offerings on the table, how will Zoom differentiate itself? Only time will tell if Zoom’s new features will set it apart or if it will be just another player in a crowded arena.